You can’t access a specific title
Ensure that you’re using a supported browser.
- Use Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.x, Firefox 3.x, Safari 5.x, or Chrome 5.x, or later.
- On desktop computers, a minimum of 128 MB of RAM is recommended.
- On mobile devices, make sure your operating system is up to date.
- Please contact your sales representative for ordering information, or call Abdo Digital customer service at
800-800-1312 .
You’re unable to open a downloadable product
Ensure you have the proper software on your computer or mobile device.
- On desktop computers, Adobe Reader is the required software.
- On mobile devices, make sure your operating system is up-to-date.
- On mobile devices, open PDFs from your reading app (e.g. iBooks, Downloads, etc.)
You can’t access our site from within the school
Your school or district may be blocking our website.
- Contact your technical support team to unblock the URL “” and any other Abdo Digital URLs that are a part of your subscription.
Having other trouble?
Contact us and explain the issue. Please include the name of your organization and username, as well as your operating system and browser version, so we can troubleshoot your issue.
- Email: [email protected]
Email us anytime, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. - Phone: 800-800-1312
Call us during normal business hours, between 8am–5pm CST.
How does the eBook bookmarking feature work?
The bookmarking feature works on browser cookies. This means that an eBook’s bookmarks are only remembered on a single computer or mobile device. For example, this is particularly helpful when a student is working on a report from a home computer or personal device. It does not enable teachers to add bookmarks for students to see, unless they are all using the same computer.
Are Abdo Digital products SMART Board compatible?
Yes! However, they are not SMART Board certified, since they were not built using SMART Notebook software. Because of this, there will be some functionality that a SMART Board offers that will not be available with our products.
What do I need to do to display Abdo Digital products on a SMART Board?
Open your Abdo Digital product with SMART notebook, a free software application included with your SMART Board.
How do I turn off the “Save ABDO PDF eBook” button?
The button that allows users to download a PDF version of an eBook appears at the bottom of the hosted eBook screen by default.
- To disable this feature, Primary Users can access their “My Account” settings upon logging in with their administrator credentials. (This link becomes visible only to administrators, under the user dropdown menu in the upper right corner.) Under “Allow Downloadable eBook Link,” select “No,” and then select “SAVE” Once all users have logged out and back in, this change will be activated.
Why don’t all hosted eBooks have a “Save ABDO PDF eBook” button?
A small number of hosted eBooks from our Spotlight division are not available in PDF eBook format for licensing reasons. In these cases, the button simply doesn’t appear when the “Allow Downloadable eBook Link” option is activated.
ABDO has been a leader in children’s educational publishing for school and public libraries since 1985, providing high quality nonfiction and fiction titles for children and young adults in grades PreK–12. The company is known throughout the industry for its excellence in both reading materials and customer service.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments on any Abdo Digital products, please feel free to contact us.
- Email: [email protected]
Email us anytime, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
- Phone: 800-800-1312
Call us during normal business hours, between 8am–5pm CST.
More Resources

Booklinks Nonfiction Network is a free source of additional online nonfiction weblinks, where readers can learn more about subjects that interest them. Each booklinks webpage corresponds to an ABDO title, where readers can access associated websites for further learning. Visit today!

Core Library Connection is a free, online portal where students and teachers can easily access additional Common Core resources. Every title in our Core Library imprint is accompanied by vetted activities, multimedia, and booklinks, for deeper subject comprehension. Visit today!